Thursday, August 16, 2012

Time to Deck the Dorms

Back to school means back to dorms and teeny tiny apartments.

Fear not! We can help!
Stop by Retropolitan and pick up a colorful lamp, inspiring piece of local art, 
some punchy pillows...and voila! 
Mission to turn shoebox into sweet new pad complete.

Here are some of my favorites on the floor right now :)

And don't forget... Our Fall Sale starts September 8th! 30% off the ENTIRE STORE!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Designer Spotlight: Rafael DeCardenas

I love taking time to browse through a designer's entire portfolio. 
After perusing through a few residences, you start to get a sense of the designer...
Those little nuances that he or she will one day (if not already) become known for. 
I'm falling head over heels for this relatively newcomer. 
A RISD graduate who transitioned from Calvin Klein menswear to 
"Can-I-Please-Live-Here?!" residences...



Next time you see a faaaabulous room on pinterest or Elle Decor...dig deeper.
Find the designer's website and browse through his or her work. 
You won't be sorry!

Katie ;)

Want more? Check out his website

Monday, May 21, 2012

Luxury Look in Progress...

Here's a little sneak peek at a design project in the works.
A soft, sophisticated palette of baby blue, ivory, and champagne...
Then Wham! - Hot pink. A vintage, glam feel, but with modern finishes.
I am smitten. Take a look...

Hot pink ottomans tufted with crystal buttons! 

Champagne Silk Coverlet. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What I'm Loving Right Now...

I am madly in love right now. With furniture. This furniture.
It's global, eclectic, ultra chic, high end, luxe, etc. etc. 
Basically every adjective I want in a furniture line. 
Now, I could gush and write a nice little paragraph, but instead
 I think it is best to show and not tell...

Nashville is becoming such a vibrant and eclectic city. 
It's pieces like these that can bring some of that excitement into your home.
See something you gotta have? Stop by the store or give us a call!
We would love to make it happen!

Fig :)